Source code for pyunit_map.baidumap

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time  : 2019/3/14 9:06
# @Author:
import requests
from random import choice
from math import ceil
import pandas as pd

[docs]class BaiDuMap: """获取百度API地图""" def __init__(self, title=None, scope=None, page_size=20, page_num=0): """初始化 :param title: 实体主题 :param scope: 地址范围 :param page_size: 返回一条是数据,默认是20,最大是20 :param page_num: 页数 """ self.AK = [ '8R82NkA5j2YzCO1hG2grXUxdLQnnHdVA', 'mSYhaXLLGXffSkkgkalK84RV0Aof22vA', 'OpYA7uSs7czqHw68w07ZzE9t08RQWrfO', 'Tffez86k4u6rwGmE3MPR2N3XtUUNbZ7H', 'rINxBQe6h4OGbmrLiImffAj96ZlhxCY8', 'V6QYkOxaGwvU3WDVZKBdNUVjVvLcwQpH', 'PKxVRcebGuDL4QsTtzFNMlCZ2rpfN3TG' ] self.title = title self.scope = scope self._total_data = [] if title and scope: self._get_data(page_size, page_num)
[docs] def update_title(self, title, scope, page_size=20, page_num=0): """更新主题和范围 :param title: 实体主题 :param scope: 地址范围 :param page_size: 返回一条是数据,默认是20,最大是20 :param page_num: 页数 """ self.title = title self.scope = scope self._get_data(page_size, page_num)
def _get_data(self, page_size=20, page_num=0): """获取数据 :param page_size: 返回一条是数据,默认是20,最大是20 :param page_num: 页数 :return: 主题信息集合 """ ak = choice(self.AK) # 随机选取一个Ak值.AK要在百度接口上获取 url = f'{self.title}&region={self.scope}&output=json&ak={ak}&page_size={page_size}&page_num={page_num}' json = requests.get(url).json() status = json.get('status') if status == 401: self._get_data(page_num=page_num) return elif str(status).startswith('3'): raise TypeError('该模块已经废弃不可用') results = json['results'] # 获取主要信息 total = json['total'] # 获取总条数 page = ceil(total / page_size) # 取上整,获取页数 current_page = page_num + 1 # 当前页数,应该等于上一页加1 for result in results: name = result['name'] locations = result['location'] location = str(locations['lng']) + '|' + str(locations['lat']) address = result.get('province') + result.get('city') + result.get('area') + result.get('address') self._total_data.append((name, location, address)) if current_page < page: self._get_data(page_num=current_page) print(json)
[docs] def save_txt(self, file_name): """保存到纯文本 :param file_name: txt文件地址 """ with open(file_name, encoding='utf-8', mode='a') as f: for name, location, address in self._total_data: f.write(f'名字:{name}\t经纬度:{location}\t地址:{address}\n')
[docs] def get_pandas(self): """获得DataFrame类型""" names, loc, addr = [], [], [] for name, location, address in self._total_data: names.append(name) loc.append(location) addr.append(address) writer = pd.DataFrame({'名字': names, '经纬度': loc, '地址': addr}) return writer
[docs] def save_execl(self, file_name: str): """保存到execl文件 :param file_name: execl文件地址 """ writer = self.get_pandas() file_name = file_name + '.xlsx' if file_name.find('.') == -1 else file_name writer.to_excel(file_name, index=False)
[docs] def get_name(self): """获取实体名字""" names = [] for name in self._total_data: names.append(name[0]) return names